Saturday, December 3, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I just haer something really funny and I wanted to share it with you pluse more...
- He who smiles last thinks slowest.
- One man said to the other "is there any famose people born in you town?" and the other man responded "no. there has only been babies born in my town."
- One whale talking to another:
Whale 1: Upset Stomach?
Whale 2: Nah, Jonah's renovating again. - God put me on earth to accompish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind, I will never die.
- Give your troubles to God. He'll be up all night anyhow.
- (this one is soo right) When you can't sleep, don't count sheep. Talk to the Shepherd.
- Why did Jesus appear first to a woman after His Resurrection?
To make sure the Good News would be spread sooner.
thanks for reading
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Hi everyone
I wanted to you that I found a skeleton of a dog or deer I don't know which one it is but I know that it is one of those type things.
Monday, September 26, 2011
brusd rib
Hi every one,
I just wanted to tell you to pray for me this week. I got in an accident and I most likely bused my rib. And my dad says that I will be hurting really bad in the morning.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Hi every one,
I am going to host a Food picture contest. You can submit three pictures but you must email them to me at campbellkidsx6@aol.com
Monday, September 19, 2011
Haiti trip!!!

I just wanted you to know that I am going back to Haiti. As most of you know I have been to haiti before and I am very excited to go back. I hope to be going back in january of 2012. I need about $1,700 and I have no idea where I am going to get it but I know that God will provide it.
Thanks. I just wantedto let yall know.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Haiti skirts

Hi everyone,
I wanted to know if any of you know of anywhere in Irmo/columbia that sell long (shin area) skirts. If so please let me know. I am hopeing to go to haiti in january-ish so I need some.
thanks, you guys are great.
PS. I would like them to be fun and cute but modest.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Hi everyone
I am helping in a VBS this summer! I am very excited. :D I am working in the craft department.
God bless,
Saturday, July 9, 2011
We had our pictures taken today and the tv man is here to fix the tv. Plus hayley came to play and we made jewelry. And we are whacking Harry potter and the prisoner of ascivan.
God bless,
Ps I will be putting on the pictures the picture page on my blog.
Friday, July 8, 2011
coun. on braces
Braces have been going well. I am sorry that I haven't been posting a lot. Our computer has been acting up a lot.
Thanks for being great followers
Monday, June 6, 2011

Hi everyone,
If you like sewing you`ll love this offer. All free sewing is having a give away for Stitched Toys 20 Stunning But Simple Designs. if you ould like to enter. then go to this website : http://www.allfreesewing.com/sweeps/Stitched-Toys-20-Stunning-But-Simple-Designs-Book-Giveaway.
God bless,
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

hi Everyone,
I have started a bible study and I would like to share it
with you. You will find in them if you go down.
Discussion questions for the book of James
May 7th- July 2nd
Read James 1 then answer questions
1. To whom did James address his letter to?
2. James 1:2-3 - Consider it pure ___________, my brothers, whenever you face _________ of many ____________, because you know that the _____________ of your ______________ develops ______________.
3. What is temptation? Give examples.
4. How are we tempted?
5. Is temptation good for us? Why? Why not?
6. Finish the sentence: "Blessed is the man who perseveres under………."
7. Why has God given us the Bible? (See also Hebrews 4:16)
8. What does God want us to do? Vs. 21-22, 27
9. In what ways are ‘the poor exalted’ and ‘the rich made low’?
10. What should we pray for?
11. When asking God for something you must?
12. Do you think that you will receive what you ask for?
13. What is wisdom? How do we get it?
14. James 1:27 - Finish the sentence: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
15. What does it mean to keep one’s self unstained from the world? Vs. 27
Read James 2 then answer questions
1. As believers in Jesus Christ, what shouldn't we do?
2. What do you think verse 6 means by “but you have dishonored the poor man.”
3. If you don’t disobey your parents but do lie what have you become? Verse 11
4. What is the royal law?
5. Why is it the royal law? (See also Matthew 22:37-40)
6. How does true love treat other people?
- Does it judge people by their wealth or appearance?
- Does it favor one person above another?
- Does it give people freedom?
- Does it show mercy to people?
7. Is vs. 6-7 true of our country now? How?
8. Can we be saved by keeping the Law of Moses? (See also Acts 15:1, 6-11; Galatians 5:1-6)
9. Fill in the blanks from verse 17: So also ___________ by itself, if it does not have __________, is ____________
10. How does Eph. 2:8, 9 relate to James 2:17?
11. What is faith apart from works? Verse 20b
12. Faith in God gives us power to do good works. Give examples from the Bible and in your life of faith.
13. What James 2:23 say about Abraham?
Read James 3 then answer questions
1. Not many of you should _____ to be _____, my brothers, because you know that we who ____ will be _____ more _____.
2. Is it good to be a teacher and leader? Why or why not?
3. What is put in the mouths of horses to make them obey?
4. Finish the following sentence from verse 5: "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body,…"
5. Give examples of the damage our tongue does?
6. Why does James compare our tongue to a rudder of a boat?
7. Why can’t we fully tame our tongue?
8. How can we control our tongue better?
9. What are the ways of God?
10. What are the good things we should do with our tongue?
11. Do we look like God Himself? Vs 9
12. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is?
13. What is the wisdom from above in verse 17?
Read James 4 then answer questions
1. Why do we have wars?
2. What things shouldn't we pray for?
3. Who is an enemy of God?
4. What is “the world” we can’t have friendship with? (See also 1 John 2v16-17; Ephesians 2v1-3)
5. God gives “grace to the humble.” What does this mean? How does a person become humble?
6. What is the difference between ‘a judge of the law’ and ‘a doer of the law’? Vs11-12
= What things does ‘a judge of the law’ do?
= What things does ‘a doer of the law’ do?
= What does this mean for you?
7. Should we boast in our riches and how we can make money? Why or why not?
8. Will we know what tomorrow will bring us?
9. Do we need to be anxious about anything? Mat.6:25-34, Mat.10:19
10. In Mark 13:11 who is speaking through you`?
11. What is certain in life and what is not certain?
12. Who should we trust? Why?
13. Who should we not trust? Why?
Read James 5 then answer questions
1. What does God see?
2. Does God judge? Should He judge?
3. What are the consequences of getting riches by lying, cheating and stealing from others in?
= the short term
= in the long term
4. What is “the coming of the Lord”? (Vs7-8)
6. Why do we need to be patient?
7. What should we pray for?
8. In verse 15 will the prayer of the elders save the one that is sick?
9. What should we do for one another? Verse 16
10. Vs 14-15 - Is this to be done for someone about to die? Why? Why not?
11. How should we help each other?
12. If we bring back a sinner from wandering what will we gain?
you might have to fix them.
God bless,
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hi everyone,
it is time for my anual newsletter. I am so sorry for not doing it last mouth. I think that I will be doing it very couple of mouths. If you would like one please Email me at campbellkidsx6@aol.com.
God bless,
Monday, April 4, 2011

Hi everyone,
To celebrate the 100Th post I am going to put up a new giveaway. here are the rules:
(1 enter point for each)
1. go to http://akskorner.blogspot.com/ and comment on one of her posts and send me a link to it.
2.put my button on your blog and send me a link to it.
3. post on face book, twitter, or blog about this giveaway and send me a link to it.
4. become a follower on my blog and tell me about it.
5. Email ten friends about this giveaway and tell me about it.
6.If someone told you about this giveaway then you can comment about that
then the prise is......two pars of earrings made by me!!!!!!
You can enter every day till my brithday (May 13)
I hope to hear for you.
God bless,
Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy New Years Day!!!!!?

Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011

Hi everyone,
I an going to be putting out a news letter for my blog so if you would like to subcribe to it than email me at the link below.
I hope to be sendding it out tormorw or tonight I will sen it to everyone on my contactlist pluse everyone on my follower list. It will be sent out in the next couple of days. it will be sent out once a mouth on the 15th unless it is a sunday.
God bless,

Hi everyone,
I am going to chose the winners of my contest a day early if that is ok with every one. the winner of my contest
is.....................................(drum roll please)..............................Isabella.
Thank you all so much and I will most likly be puting up a new contest very soon. if you would like me to host one of yours I can do that to. thank you some much Isabella for intering and I will email you about your win and sennd you your earrings asap.
God bless you all,
Monday, February 28, 2011

Hi everyone,
This was by Destiny.
Wealth, Love, & Patience: Destiny ~ Age 13
One day A women heard a knock at her door. She opened the door and saw three men with beards (and they looked really old). The man in front of the other two men said, "Hello, I am Love and these are my brothers... Wealth and Patience." The women was shocked, "What an honer! Please, come in!" The women replied. "No, no, no." Love said, "You may only invite ONE of us in." The women thought for a moment, "Hold on, let me go ask my husband."
Then the women went inside and told her husband about the three men outside and asked him who they should invite in. Her husband didn't take the time to ponder this, "Invite Wealth in... there are many bills we can't afford to pay right now."
The women disagreed, "That seems a little selfish. Let's invite Patience in. That's something we really need in this house!"
Their daughter overheard them talking and said, "Why don't we invite love in? I think that's most important." The women and her husband thought for a second and agreed with their daughter.
The women went back to the door and told the men what they had decided, "We have decided to invite in Love!" Love was filled with Joy. All three of the men started to walk in.
The women saw this and said, "Wait, wait, wait. I thought only one of you could come in." Love looked at her with a smile on his face and replied, "That is true, but if you would have invited Wealth or Patience in... they would be the only ones to go in.... but since you invited me, LOVE, in your house, I will fill your house with all three of us...
Love, Wealth, and Patience will be with you forever and ever...
Did you get the meaning of the story? If your family has LOVE you will have not only that but you will also have WEALTH and PATIENCE!
God bless,
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My first four enteries
Hi everyone,
I have my first four enteries on my contest. here are the pictures.
http://www.blogger.com/postcreate.gblogID=6045282509893184912 I love the first two but the sencend one is ok but not really on the subject. Thanks AK
here is my second entery.
http://ismikendra.blogspot.com/2011/02/my-wonderful-parents.html they are only the first three. I love all three. they are great thanks Kendra.
I will add on to this post all of the enteries that I get.
these are from Isabella. I really like the picture of your brother and the dogs.
thanks Isabella
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hi everyone,
I have decided that I am going to hold.............dram roll please............A CONTEST. So tell everyone that you know. Here are the some things you need to know.
To enter the give away you have to take 3 cute pictures. Please don't look it up on the Internet. Then post them on a comment or (if you have a blog) post it on your blog and send me the link by commenting.
the contest will end the 1st of March or If I change it you will be notified. There will be two winners and the prises are......darm roll please.......TWO PARS OF EARRINGS that I will make. You will be able to tell me what colors you want, if you want hops or sticks and if you want them big or small. I will pick the winners and and tell them a week from the end date.
I hope to see a lot of cute pictures from you all.
God bless,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Stopping Karate

Hi everyone,
I have some bad news......I AM STOPING KARATE. I know it is terrible. but the good thing is that we are going to start something new. we don't know what it will be.i hope that it will be swimming but I don't think that is going to happen. It will most likely be some thing like gymnastics.
God bless,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My Haiti Trip

Hi everyone,
sorry that it took so long for me to give you my mission report but I have it now. here it is

Haiti Trip Journal
Day 1: Flying day
We left home at 10:00 in the morning and checked our bags in at the airport. Then we went through security and got on the plane to Atlanta. At 11:30 we got to Atlanta and went to our next plane to Miami, Florid. After we got off the plane we headed for baggage claim to pick up our bags. We got our bags and mom called the hotel that we were staying in to send a shuttle bus to pick us up and bring us to the hotel. When we got there we checked in at the front desk and went to our room. When we were ready to eat dinner we went to a restaurant next door. I cannot remember what it was called but it was good. We came back to the hotel and went to our room. We stayed up till 9:15 then went to sleep.
Day 2: More flying and First day at the mission
We got up at 4:00 in the morning and packed all of our stuff and went down stairs to meet the rest of our group. From there went got on the bus and headed for the air port. From that point it was pretty much the same thing: We checked our bags, got on a plane, flew to Port-A-Prince then we had to go through Immigration and then we got on a tap tap (which is a pickup truck but it has seats in the back of it) and rode to a smaller airport. Then we got on another plane and flew to Port-a-Paix. Then we met a guy that worked for Northwest Haiti Christian Mission whose name was Jack. He got us a bus and a tap tap. The other group went to the west and we went to the east or something like that. We got into the back of a car and the Jack got in the front passenger side and the driver got in the driver seat. The driver tried to start the car but he could not get it in gear. So this other guy got in and got the car in gear and started heading down the road without the first guy. Then this other guy jumped in the back but he was not the first guy. So the Jack and the driver started talking about the price to drive us to the mission. Well, the first guy and Jack already agreed on a price and this guy wanted to double it. So jack told the guy to stop the car and go back the mission in Port-a-Paix. So we turned around and got to the mission. So the guy were arguing and calling people on their phones. When we got to the mission, which took 15 minutes, the guys in the mission joined in on the arguing. So they argued for 45 minutes and we just sat there. So finally we got into the back of another truck and started down the road. We got to the mission and hang out till Melanie got back (she is the person in charge) then she got an intern named Ashley to give us the grand tour. Then we watched Thomas play soccer and then went and got a baby to hold. Mom got the last one. So we watched Thomas play and this little girl come up to me and wanted me to pick her up. So I did and the after 15 minutes, the nurse came and took the kids because it was time for them to eat. Then we eat dinner at 6:00. One hour after that we had devotions the lady talked about Isaiah 58. Then we stayed up till 8:45/9:00 and then went to bed.
Day 3: Voodoo Temple
Thursday we went to a Voodoo temple and it was so sad because they were praying to this baby doll. But before we went to the voodoo temple we went to a cross that had gotten struck by lightning hundreds of years ago. The people that worship at the Voodoo temple say that the cross is cursed and the baby doll fell from the sky and landed there. The decorator said that the people will stay there if they think that they are cursed and they pay rent. They believe that since they are giving up their time, money, and life that the curse will be lifted from them. Then we went to a restaurant that was really nice. After the restaurant we went to a private beach which is not so private because the kids would climb over the wall and play in the water. Then we went back to the mission and had dinner and devotions. The devotions were about Isaiah 8:10 and John 15 something. Then we went to bed at 8:30ish.
Day 4: stay at the mission
Friday we stayed at the mission and I got my hair braided. Thomas and my mom went to do meals on feet. I stayed at the mission and played soccer with the kids at the mission. I didn’t feel right about going out into the village. At 4:30 we went to a soccer game and Thomas played in it. He had fun. His team lost but it was still fun. Then we went back to the mission and I meet a kid named Rodlen. He was so nice. I think that he was 11 or 12. We got to the mission and had dinner and devotions. Devotions were about how God love us even though we have disobeyed him.
Day 4: the orphanage
Saturday we went to an orphanage 3 hours away. We left at 8:04 we wanted to leave at 8:00 but that was close enough. I think that the orphanage was my favorite part. When we got there it was 11:00 and the kids just crowed around the truck and when we got down a girl or boy would cling to you. Thomas got a boy. Mom got a boy and I got a girl. We play with the parachutes with the kids and they had so much fun. Then we went in the picnic shelter. The kids then started singing some songs. They were praising God with all that they had. Then we had lunch and the kids had to go out into the court yard. Then my mom got all of the teenagers together and talked to them about that they can do more then they think. Then we had to leave and when we got back to the mission it was market day and a lot of guys were trying to sell you stuff. Then we had dinner and devotions, they were about 1 Cor. 1:11 then we went to bed at 9:00.
Day 5: IV
I woke up at 3:30 and didn’t feel good at all. I woke up mom and she gave me a bag and I started to throw up. At 4:30 mom had enough. She went to go and get the doctor. Then the doctor decided that I needed an IV so she got a nursing student to give me one and I felt much better. At 6:30 we went to go and sit out where we eat and have devotions. Everyone wanted to know what had happened. Then at 9:30 I wanted to go to church so mom got the doctor and she said that I could go but she wanted me to keep the IV in so I had to get somebody to carry my IV pole and I would have to carry my IV bag. Church was mostly in Creole but we had a guy from the church preach. Then after church we meet Rodlen outside and he gave my mom and Thomas a bracelet with their names on it. He forgot my name so I didn’t get one, but we bought one at the market so I got one. Then we went inside and had lunch. Then at 3:30 Thomas went to a professional soccer game. Mom said that I could not go because I didn’t need to be out in the sun. So I went to go lay down and I slepted till 5:00. So I got a good two hours of sleep. Then we had dinner and testimony night. We then went to bed at 9:15.
Day 6: flying home
We woke up at 3:30 and got all our stuff together. Then we got on a bus and two tap taps (they are pickup trucks with sets in the bead of the truck). We then headed to port-a-Paix. When we got there we were in the front and the bus was behind us. The bus driver let the brake off and the bus slammed into us. Thankfully nobody got hurt. Then we flew to Port-A-Prince, and then to Miami.
That was our trip to Haiti if you want to know what happened from Miami to Columbia there is a story behind that and I would love to tell it to you.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Beach In the Winter
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Brok Toe

Hi everyone,
I might have broken my toe. but I think that I is only browsed really bad. I happened yesterday I was at karate and we were sparing(that is fighting with our feet and hands) and I kicked Bryson in the chin. I didn't feel anything then but by the time I got home I could feel it good. It hart so bad to walk I didn't want to get out of the car. But my mom said I had to. I can still walk and all but it just harts like crazy.
God bless,
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Hi, I am Emily and I am a young lady trying to growing and live in my savior Jesus Christ. This blog is all about me and my life and my savior now some things are not conpletly on Him but please forgive me I AM NOT PERFECT as you know so bare with me and keep comeing and telling your friends.
I will try to say a short prayer after every post but I am starting this 11/19/2010 so most of my things will no have a prayer in it.
PRAYER : Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I paryer that you will help me ot grow in you and trust you every day. I paryer that you will forgive all my iniquities and blot out my sins. I pary that you will help the poor countey of Hait. And help our nation to move to you more every day.
In Jesus name, Aman
I will try to say a short prayer after every post but I am starting this 11/19/2010 so most of my things will no have a prayer in it.
PRAYER : Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I paryer that you will help me ot grow in you and trust you every day. I paryer that you will forgive all my iniquities and blot out my sins. I pary that you will help the poor countey of Hait. And help our nation to move to you more every day.
In Jesus name, Aman
Life Vers
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future of hope.
For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future of hope.
Copy writed 2011 by Emily G.C. all right reserved. DO NOT COPY!!!!!!:D!!!!!! if you do wait to post something on your blog or email someone about something that I posted than email me and I will most likly say yes.