Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hi everyone,
I just got the WMHK bible reading guid for 2011. I have been wanting one for a long time. If you want one then go to the web site I first heard about it on their station which is 89.7 FM. My family listens to it all the time. If you have never heard of it then check it out if you live in Columbia. But if you don't then you can listen to it on their website
God bless
Dear heavenly father,
Thank you for this great day. Than you for the Christan stations that we can be encouraged by.
Monday, December 20, 2010

Hi guys and gals,
I just got my shots to go to Haiti. I am going in January and I will be gone a week. I get told that when I go I will be changed a lot. I cannot wait to go because one of my babysitters is coming with us. Her name is Vanessa. I had to get $1700 to go and today I am paid for.
God bless you,
Prayer :
Dear heavenly father,
Thank you for this great day that you provide. I pray that you will grant us a safe trip up and that you will grant us the opportunity to talk to the kids there about you.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christmas is just around the korner
Hi everyone,
I cannot believe that it is almost Christmas. I am so excited. My family and I have been getting into the Christmas Sprite with all of our thing that go up about this time of year. Here are some picture that I took of our house.

This mouth is VERY busy
Away in a manger.

This is our count down to Christmas thing.
I cannot believe that it is almost Christmas. I am so excited. My family and I have been getting into the Christmas Sprite with all of our thing that go up about this time of year. Here are some picture that I took of our house.
This mouth is VERY busy
Away in a manger.
This is our count down to Christmas thing.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hi guys and gals,
My dad just left to go hunting with my brother Thomas. I am not done with school yet but I don't do all of my school most days. I am home schooled so I just have to finish my books by the beginning of next school year. I LOVE BEING HOME SCHOOLED. I get to start school ether from 9:30/10:00 in the morning and I end from 12:00 / 2:30.
God bless,
Dear heavenly father,
I pray for dad and Thomas that they would have a safe trip down and back up. I pray that they would see a lot of deer and that they get a chance to shut one.
In your son's name. Aman
Saturday, December 11, 2010
This is Tace, she is a pure bread blue pit bull and she is 7 weeks old. She is a big hand full but She is so cute!!!!!!
Miss Kelly brought her because she is dog sitting for a friend until her friend can sell her. If you would like to buy her just email me at and I will email her and tell her that you want to buy her.
Miss Kelly live in west Columbia and is a great friend of ours.
Miss Kelly live in west Columbia and is a great friend of ours.
Prayer: dear heavenly father,
I pray that miss Kelly will find somebody to buy tace and that she will grow and be health.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

BRRRR! iT IS SOOOO COLD! The temp. gag said that it is 4o. My little brohter wanted to go outside at 7:30 AM. He is soo sily.
God bless,
Dear heavenly father,
I thank you for this cold day. I pray that it will worm up soon. I pray for all my followers that if they do not know me that they would very soon becuose a day without you is a year in darkness but if they do know you that they would grow in faith and read your world and take to you every day.
In your name.
Friday, December 3, 2010

Hi guys and gal,
I am going to a birthday party. I am sort of scared because I am getting more "attached" to my family. The birthday party is for Hayley so everybody say "Happy Birthday" to her. Hayley is a Godly young lady just like me. She goes to my Church and we are great friends.
God bless
Prayer: dear heavenly father,
I pray for Hayley and that she has a great Birthday. I thank you for her and I pray that you will guide her through her life.
In Your name I pray. Aman
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 The Littlest Fireman
om: The Littlest Fireman

Hey guys and gals,
I love this story and the best part is its TRUE. the website is awesome to. you can look at emails that you got and see if the things on it is true or not. EX) said that you got an email about a family whose dad is dying of cancer and they want you to email it to all your friends and you do not know if should do it or not. well you just look at and type that in the search box at the top and see if the email is true or not.
Dear heavenly father,
Thank you that we have your word to guide us and that you have provided this website for us to now the Truth about things that people send us online.
In your name I pray. Aman.
Monday, November 29, 2010

Hey guys and girls,
I went hunting Saturday. It was so much fun. Sadly I didn't see anything, but I want to go back and do it again.
God bless
PS. my dad is going hunting tomorrow.
Dear heavenly Father,
Thank you that I can go hunting and I pray that next time that I will be able to see something if it is your will. I pray that you will grant my dad a safe trip to go hunting tomorrow.
In your name I pray. Aman.
Friday, November 26, 2010

You need to go here....... tell your friends........You will love it........and your friends will love it to.........HERE IT IS.....
I hope that you like it.
I love you God and I pray that you will help me grow in you.

Hay everyone you will not believe what I get to do this weekend...... I AM GOING DEER HUNTING!!!!!!
this will be sooo much fun.
I could not wait till the Christmas music came on today. I love Christmas. It reminds me of my Lord and Savor Jesus Christ. I am listening to Christmas music right now. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!
God bless
Dear heavenly father,
I thank you for your son and that you let him die on the cross for my sins. thank you for Christmas and for my family and friends.
In your name I pray,
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hi everyone,
I put my jewelry out for sell and I am selling them at "OUR HANDS TOGETHER." It is a craft store. If you would like to see more about it then please go here: They are also on facebook.
God bless,
Friday, November 19, 2010

I am having a fire and we are having spaghetti. My mom is going to my best friend that is a boy. his name is Jake. but I have a beat friend that is a girl. Her name is AK. Her is her blog I am trying to make a logo. do any of you have any ideas? If you are reading my blog then please tell your friends.
God bless,
Your friend in Christ.
PRAYER : Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I pray that you will help me grow in you and please you ever day. I pray that you will help me please my parents and you. I pray for my blog followers that they will know you and trust in you. And if they know you that they will grow in faith and Love you and please you.
In your name, Aman
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hey guys and girls,
I just made a telephone for my little siblings it was a lot of fun. It dose not really work but that is the fun of it. I went to Bible study today and we will be having a play that we are going to do for the little kids about the good Samaritan. It will be sooo much fun. I have the part of the guy that gets robed and Beeton up by the Robers (these two boys in my class). It will be in January. This will be a opportunity to minister to the littler kids.
God bless you all,
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010

I have a newsletter about Haiti. If you went to see it than email me at
I cannot wait to hear from you.
A friend in Christ
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Hi, I am Emily and I am a young lady trying to growing and live in my savior Jesus Christ. This blog is all about me and my life and my savior now some things are not conpletly on Him but please forgive me I AM NOT PERFECT as you know so bare with me and keep comeing and telling your friends.
I will try to say a short prayer after every post but I am starting this 11/19/2010 so most of my things will no have a prayer in it.
PRAYER : Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I paryer that you will help me ot grow in you and trust you every day. I paryer that you will forgive all my iniquities and blot out my sins. I pary that you will help the poor countey of Hait. And help our nation to move to you more every day.
In Jesus name, Aman
I will try to say a short prayer after every post but I am starting this 11/19/2010 so most of my things will no have a prayer in it.
PRAYER : Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I paryer that you will help me ot grow in you and trust you every day. I paryer that you will forgive all my iniquities and blot out my sins. I pary that you will help the poor countey of Hait. And help our nation to move to you more every day.
In Jesus name, Aman
Life Vers
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future of hope.
For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future of hope.
Copy writed 2011 by Emily G.C. all right reserved. DO NOT COPY!!!!!!:D!!!!!! if you do wait to post something on your blog or email someone about something that I posted than email me and I will most likly say yes.