hi Everyone,
I have started a bible study and I would like to share it
with you. You will find in them if you go down.
Discussion questions for the book of James
May 7th- July 2nd
Read James 1 then answer questions
1. To whom did James address his letter to?
2. James 1:2-3 - Consider it pure ___________, my brothers, whenever you face _________ of many ____________, because you know that the _____________ of your ______________ develops ______________.
3. What is temptation? Give examples.
4. How are we tempted?
5. Is temptation good for us? Why? Why not?
6. Finish the sentence: "Blessed is the man who perseveres under………."
7. Why has God given us the Bible? (See also Hebrews 4:16)
8. What does God want us to do? Vs. 21-22, 27
9. In what ways are ‘the poor exalted’ and ‘the rich made low’?
10. What should we pray for?
11. When asking God for something you must?
12. Do you think that you will receive what you ask for?
13. What is wisdom? How do we get it?
14. James 1:27 - Finish the sentence: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
15. What does it mean to keep one’s self unstained from the world? Vs. 27
Read James 2 then answer questions
1. As believers in Jesus Christ, what shouldn't we do?
2. What do you think verse 6 means by “but you have dishonored the poor man.”
3. If you don’t disobey your parents but do lie what have you become? Verse 11
4. What is the royal law?
5. Why is it the royal law? (See also Matthew 22:37-40)
6. How does true love treat other people?
- Does it judge people by their wealth or appearance?
- Does it favor one person above another?
- Does it give people freedom?
- Does it show mercy to people?
7. Is vs. 6-7 true of our country now? How?
8. Can we be saved by keeping the Law of Moses? (See also Acts 15:1, 6-11; Galatians 5:1-6)
9. Fill in the blanks from verse 17: So also ___________ by itself, if it does not have __________, is ____________
10. How does Eph. 2:8, 9 relate to James 2:17?
11. What is faith apart from works? Verse 20b
12. Faith in God gives us power to do good works. Give examples from the Bible and in your life of faith.
13. What James 2:23 say about Abraham?
Read James 3 then answer questions
1. Not many of you should _____ to be _____, my brothers, because you know that we who ____ will be _____ more _____.
2. Is it good to be a teacher and leader? Why or why not?
3. What is put in the mouths of horses to make them obey?
4. Finish the following sentence from verse 5: "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body,…"
5. Give examples of the damage our tongue does?
6. Why does James compare our tongue to a rudder of a boat?
7. Why can’t we fully tame our tongue?
8. How can we control our tongue better?
9. What are the ways of God?
10. What are the good things we should do with our tongue?
11. Do we look like God Himself? Vs 9
12. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is?
13. What is the wisdom from above in verse 17?
Read James 4 then answer questions
1. Why do we have wars?
2. What things shouldn't we pray for?
3. Who is an enemy of God?
4. What is “the world” we can’t have friendship with? (See also 1 John 2v16-17; Ephesians 2v1-3)
5. God gives “grace to the humble.” What does this mean? How does a person become humble?
6. What is the difference between ‘a judge of the law’ and ‘a doer of the law’? Vs11-12
= What things does ‘a judge of the law’ do?
= What things does ‘a doer of the law’ do?
= What does this mean for you?
7. Should we boast in our riches and how we can make money? Why or why not?
8. Will we know what tomorrow will bring us?
9. Do we need to be anxious about anything? Mat.6:25-34, Mat.10:19
10. In Mark 13:11 who is speaking through you`?
11. What is certain in life and what is not certain?
12. Who should we trust? Why?
13. Who should we not trust? Why?
Read James 5 then answer questions
1. What does God see?
2. Does God judge? Should He judge?
3. What are the consequences of getting riches by lying, cheating and stealing from others in?
= the short term
= in the long term
4. What is “the coming of the Lord”? (Vs7-8)
6. Why do we need to be patient?
7. What should we pray for?
8. In verse 15 will the prayer of the elders save the one that is sick?
9. What should we do for one another? Verse 16
10. Vs 14-15 - Is this to be done for someone about to die? Why? Why not?
11. How should we help each other?
12. If we bring back a sinner from wandering what will we gain?
you might have to fix them.
God bless,